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Deep Thoughts, Episode Five

Yeah, it’s that time again—another Deep Thoughts segment for you wonderful readers.


Why do I do this? Well, it’s kind of a catch-all of the random stuff that floats through my brain. (My wife would say it’s too random.)


Be that as it may, I often get way too serious with the Frothy Thoughts Blog and need to cleanse my mental palette. You know, like swishing water around in your mouth between sips at a wine-tasting or snorting the aroma of roasted coffee beans between whiffs of fancy-schmancy soaps and bath bombs at the nearby Naples Soap Company in Naples, FL ( The Fifth Avenue shop is a great spot to dip into and smell the delectable scents. Ask my wife and our friend, Felicia. But I digress.


Anyway, here they are—today’s Deep Thoughts in all their nearly profound glory.


·         Jesus is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. If you refuse the TRUTH, you will lose your WAY and, ultimately, your everlasting LIFE (living in God’s presence).


·         The most revealing thing about the Israel-Hamas war is how many people throughout the world embrace the same evil the Nazis did. God uses Israel and the Jewish people to reveal what’s in us. When you shake the barrel, you find out what’s inside.


·         Do you notice how the whole world seems to be divided between being for or against Israel? Do you think this is an accident? God is sifting the nations.


·         Jerusalem was the capital of the Jewish people about 3,000 years before the designation of a Palestinian people was invented in our day. It was the Jewish people’s capital since David first conquered the city from the Jebusites—end of discussion.


·         A divine delay does not mean a divine denial. (See Lazarus, John 11:1-7, 21, 32, 39-40, 43-44.)


·         I have a friend who said he has the coronavirus. He drank a twelve-pack of Corona last night and woke up with a headache and vomiting (#shouldibeworried).


·         When you think your life is tough, read the Voice of The Martyrs magazine ( Many no-name Christians will shine more brightly than any celebrity pastor.


·         Just remember, even at their worst, what are the persecutors of Christians threatening Jesus’ followers with? Heaven? Be bold.


·         Living in Naples, Florida, has taught me something. Every cold is a summer cold.


·         Character has no skin color.


·         My social commentary of the day: Does anyone realize that the term “People of Color” is a de facto racist term by setting a group of people apart from another group via race to show that the marginalized “people of non-color” are somehow themselves marginalizing “people of color”? In other words, those who espouse themselves as “people of color” who have been victims of past and current racism are themselves being racist in the effort to prove racism against themselves. Can the hypocrisy and nonsense get any thicker? But when you’re wrong and out of ideas.


·         I keep hearing about “toxic masculinity.” Can we add “toxic feminism” to the debate?


·         “You strain out a gnat, but gulp down a camel!” (Matthew 23:24). In other words, you pay so much attention to exacting minutiae of the faith, and yet you fail at keeping the most essential “ethical obligations” of God’s commands. Do we go to the mat over the tiny stuff and ignore the big stuff? It sounds kind of like specks and logs, right?


·         I’m glad God’s Word is surer than the weatherpersons.


·         Let’s cut to the chase. The only Green New Deal the political Left is interested in is cash.


·         Anger kept is a grudge, and a grudge is where Satan parks his car.


·         Rather than us having to fight for our rights, why don’t politicians first have to fight to prove they have the justification to remove our rights? Make them do the heavy lifting.


·         Because of our clay feet, we’re all clods before God.


·         The steak takes on the flavor of its marinade. What are you soaking yourself in? The world or God? The media or God’s Word?


·         Facebook fact-checked me the other day. Their notice on my post had a button to click to know why. I clicked it and read. “Independent fact-checkers say this information has no basis in fact.” Hmm, no facts to counter my fact. So, their reason is actually, “Because we said so?”


·         Wouldn’t a man bun on a bald guy just be a wart?


·         God’s will always find a way. God’s will is unopposable, unstoppable, and irrefutable.


·         Yes, reading and studying God’s Word is important. But doing God’s Word is paramount. Jesus did not come to make theologians. He came to make disciples. He expects us to do the same.


·         When is someone going to design an affordable e-bike? “Here’s your e-bike. Fork over $1,600 to $5,000.” “No thanks. I’ll take foot pedals for $200, Alex.”


·         It’s gonna be funny when, fifty years from now, the next generation will be tearing down all the stuff the wokesters are instituting now. It won’t come from being over-sensitive but because they’ll have seen how vacuous, self-centered, and ridiculous it all is. Every generation thinks it’s the be-all, end-all, and embodiment of all wisdom. Age has a great way of giving us perspective.


·         So, if a dog wants to join a new pack, are they indogtrinated first?


And with that, I end our foray into the uncharted regions of my mind. Thanks for reading, pondering, and hopefully, laughing.


I’ll see my way out.

Shining the Light of God’s Truth on the Road Ahead


Pastor Jay Christianson

The Truth Barista, Frothy Thoughts

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